Books By C. LItka

Books By C. LItka

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What the (distant) future holds...

It's Tuesday night, and I haven't a clue as to what to write for my Wednesday blog post. And if I don't write anything, everyone will think I'm dead. I'm not, at the moment, However, I do have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning, i.e. right after I post this, and those are always touch and go...

So how can I fill up a few paragraphs with nothing? What's more nothing than books that you plan to write? So I'll run with that. Here's what I hoping to write now that I pushed Passage to Jarpara out the door.

My first priority is my 2025 novel. I happened to have spent all last summer dreaming up a story, with something like a plot. I decided, however, that having spent all summer dreaming up this story, to then go on and write it, might have been too much of it, and I'd get tired of it halfway through writing it. So instead, I put it on the back burner and finished Passage to Jarpara, which needed finishing. However, as a result, I actually have a story ready and waiting to be written now that I've finished Jarpara, which is something that's gotten very rare in my writing life these days. Needless to say, this story is my next project. 

What is it, you ask? Well, I'm not going to tell you much, except to say that it will be a slow paced, post-magic, slice of life, fantasy story with a little mystery woven into it. I'm planning to sell it as the perfect antidote to a grimdark/epic fantasy overdose. It'll probably be very boring, but I don't care. I'm pretty content to let  things be what they be.

Ideally, I would like to then write a novella to finish off Litang & Cin's story, one that would follow The Lost Star's Sea. The thing is I have an actual idea -- Litang, who, at the end of The Lost Star's Sea, was going off to visit the inner islands for a year or two, giving Cin time to finished up her mission. We'd pick up the story as he starts on his way back to her by hitching a ride aboard the Order's courier ship, the one captained by his old friend, the one who took them on the last mission - you know who I mean, don't you?  I could go back and research this, and come up with actual names and such, but, I'd have to get up, walk several steps to get the book, and then page through it... eh, it's just a bird in the bush at the moment, so why go into all the details? Anyway, the idea is that along the way they... wait for it... run into a storm and get shipwrecked on one of those floating islands. Except that this island doesn't seem to be merely floating -- it almost seems to be flying like an island-sized bird, using parts of the island like vast wings... So, is it actually a vast living creature so big that there is a jungle growing on it?, Or is it some sort of vessel piloted by someone, or some thing... Or just three islands connected together with webs of vines that are moving in the wind?  Who knows? I certainly haven't a clue. Which explains why it hasn't been written in the last six years.

Beyond that. I always planned to write two more novellas set on Mars, to make Keiree into a full novel. I even started writing one, but the idea I had at the time, didn't work/didn't excite me, so I put it aside, and haven't had any better ideas since then.

Both those ideas are, however, sequels, and I've vowed to write no more sequels, so I'll have to see what new story I can dream up for 2026. That will be my summer project. In any event, any story I can dream up will always be set in an imaginary land - so I don't have to do any research - but it will not be marketed as science fiction. It'll either fantasy, or another genre based on the story line, rather then on the place or time.

Okay. I just spent an hour typing this up. Looks like enough. I'll see if I can come up with something more substantial to write next week. In the meanwhile, I have at least a month's worth of my Saturday book review in the can, so there's always that.

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