My prediction and my sales numbers
Last year in this post I predicted: "Unless my Apple audiobooks do a lot better than I expect, I don't think 2024 will come close to 2023 in terms of sales. Book sales always decline over time." My 2023 sales were a record 18,928, thanks to the unexpected, and inexplicable, success of The Girl on the Kerb on Amazon, and thus, would be hard to beat. For comparison, the year before, in 2022, sales were 13,779, a sales record at that time as well. So how did I do in 2024?
Drum roll.
14,970 books. Though down by more than 4,000 copies from last year, I'm still very pleasantly surprised with that number. Better than I expected, though there were some reasons. See below.
The details
This was the year I went almost all in on using Draft2Digital as my distributer. I moved all my books over on the 1st of January, from Smashwords - except those on Smashwords itself - and submitted my books to Apple to be converted to audiobooks. The conversion stretched out over the year, with three books still not converted, for some reason. In July I unpublished my books on Smashwords and had then republished them on the Smashwords store via D2D. And in October I unpublished my books in the Kobo store via D2D and submitted them myself to Kobo. I've talked about all of these moves in previous posts, so I won't repeat the reasons and results of all these moves here, except to say that for the most part, all of the moves had positive repercussions.
My sales on Smashwords thru July 2024, when I switched to D2D were 131 ebooks
My total sales on D2D ended up being approx. 3,321 (I don't quite have the final total when writing this.)
Apple ebooks accounted for 1,160 of those sales, edging out Amazon as my second largest ebook sales outlet. For reverence, I sold 775 books on Apple in 2023 via Smashwords.
2D2 Audiobooks on Apple accounted for 1,175 in sales. Well, as it turned out they did pretty well, once they became available. As you can see, adding Apple audiobooks basically doubled my sales on Apple.
Smashwords sales (via 2D2) were 664 ebooks
Barnes & Noble sold 239 ebooks
Various other D2D outlets accounted for 83 ebooks
Kobo I've been distributing to Kobo directly since October 2024, my sales in the last three mounts amount to 91 ebooks. Comparable to B&B so far.
In order to get all my work on Amazon as audiobooks, I broke up my two massive books, The Bright Black Sea and The Lost Star's Sea into a six book series since they were too long for Amazon's auto-narrated audiobook program. I also sell them that way on Kobo as well. I have also priced the first books in my three series at $.99.
My total sales on Amazon were, 1,012
Ebooks, 976, most were the 2 free books,
Paper books 22
Audiobooks 14
I earned $356.13 on my Amazon sales in 2024 I spent less than $100 on books and mailing for my beta readers, my only expense.
Last, but far, far from least, my sales on Google. It was steady as you go, for Google.
Total Google sales amounted to 10,415 books
Ebooks sold, 5,055
Audiobooks sold, 5,360
Just as with Apple, audiobooks slightly outsold ebooks, providing half of my overall sales.
All in all, 2024 proved to be a solid year, performing better than I expected, though not a record year. I should note, however, that I did release two novels in this year and new books always drive sales.
All that said, my sales, now including audiobooks, are not much more than twice my sales of my first year, (via Amazon and Smashwords only) with only three books released, compared to a catalog of some 20 books these days. Take away Google and audiobooks and my ebook sales would've been half of my first year ebook sales. Yikes! As I have mentioned in the past, it is getting increasingly harder to sell books outside of the mainstream. I owe my continued success to several factors,
1. My competitive pricing.
2. Having built up a modest readership starting in 2015 back when it was far easier to do so.
3. Having written and published twenty books over the last almost ten years. I can't explain how I did that. I also published two new books this year. All these books mean that I have a good sized back catalog to offer any new reader who happens upon one of my books and likes it to explore.
4. Having explored new markets, including adding Google early on, and jumping on audiobooks when they became financially feasible.
Well, looking ahead, if I recall right, 27 April 2025 will mark my 10th anniversary as a publisher. I enjoy what I'm doing now, but maybe after ten years I should shake things up and try something different. I'll be considering what, if anything, in the next couple of months. If I do nothing stupid, I would expect to see similar results to this year, as I do hope to publish at least one novel in 2025 - my "Project 2026" book a little early. We'll see. Stay tuned.
I would like to thank all my readers for making this year another good year for me. I hope that in my own little way, I made 2024 a little better for you as well.
Hi, Chuck!
ReplyDelete"In July I unpublished my books on Smashwords and had then republished them on the Smashwords store via D2D".
Did'nt you lose all reviews up to July 2024 which might have been posted on Smashwords since the year 2015? I seem to remember there have been some in the past years.
Kind regards and a happy new year to you and your family,
Hannes from Germany :)
Yes, I did lose all those reviews, as well as on Apple & Kobo, but for some reason, not on Barnes & Noble. However, when they reappeared again on Smashwords, they appeared as new books, and as such, showed up on the first pages of the store, and I sold three or four hundred books, when before I was selling only a couple a month. I counted it as a win. Happy New Years, Hannes!
DeleteWow, those are great numbers. Congrats! And Happy New Year! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks... the key is my "competitive price" :) No one undersells me! That said, it was a good year, though I did put some effort into it this year, doing the things I don't mind doing, like writing books. Happy New Years to you too, Betrhold. Oh, and you'll be hearing from me in a couple of weeks.