Books By C. LItka

Books By C. LItka

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Sailing To Redoubt

Sailing to Redoubt is my new adventure novel for 2019. The story is set in a tropical sea on an imaginary world.

The seed for this story was actually planted some 65 years ago. I must have been only five or six when I experienced an impression of a place that I have never forgotten. It must have been a dream, though I can’t say from this vantage point for certain. I have very poor memory for my life, so the fact that I remember this dream makes it very special.

What I remember was a vivid impression of a tropical night, dark, lush and mysterious. I seem to remember being surrounded by warm dark shadows and sitting in a chair on a pale, moonlit veranda that connected several huts in a row. Where this impression came from or how I knew it was a south sea night, I can not explain. I don’t have a visual mind, so what I experienced was more an impression, a feeling, rather than an actual scene that I could pin down and describe in detail, even then, much less now, 65 years later.

Still, as I said, I never forgot it. Inspired by that mysterious memory, I wrote Sailing to Redoubt to recapture that impression and put a story to it.

More about that story in the coming days.

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