I was standing behind the door when ambition was being passed out. I would like to believe that I was sharp enough even then, to have quietly slipped behind it, for ambition is an uncomfortable curse gift. You can get into all sorts of trouble with ambition. So far I have avoided both ambition and all sorts of trouble. I mention this only because when I set out to write, and eventually publish my books, my ambition extended only so far as to not make a fool of myself.
I will admit that I always wanted to be a writer. Call that ambition if you care to, but my approach was hardly ambitious, nor were my goals. Which, in addition to not making a fool of myself, was simply to entertain some people who had the same taste in stories that I have. My books are happily just niche books. I had no great expectations at all.
Well, here we are nearly ten years later, and my ambitions, such as they are, have been met. They were met long ago. Now, I've kept a record of my sales, but it's just a game for me. I had, and still have, no numerical goals. I'm just curious to see how my books do each month.
Where was I? Right. The milestone. Sometime in the middle of last month, I sold my 100,000th book. Not something I set out to do, but there it is.
Still, I will admit 100,000 is a nice round, fat number. It is big enough to impress some people, if anybody ever asks. Few do. And despite my bargain prices, I believe I made about a penny profit on each book I sold. Not a lot. Still, considering that most author/publishers lose money publishing their books, it's something. But in the end it is merely a milestone to mark and move on.
With that milestone behind me, I don't see another significant milestone on the horizon. What do you make a big deal of after 100,000? 200,000 or a million? Who knows? Who cares? I don't and won't, if only because I'll likely be dead in either case.
As I said, I never had any grand ambitions when I started publishing my books. I find myself more impressive by the number of books I've written. I'm truly amazed that I have written 17 or 21 books, depending on how you care to count them, written in the last 15 years. That is 1,956,952 published words. I wouldn't have thought I had that many words or stories in me to set down.
Of course, all I did was write the books. Really, this milestone is all about you, dear readers. You are the ones who are actually responsible for all those copies sold. It was you, my readers, who, in buying, reading, and hopefully enjoying these books carried all of us past this milestone. And for that, I am extremely grateful to all of you. Thank you so very much!